Where Can I Get Vitamin C Injections Near Me

Vitamin Booster Shots and Vitamin Drips in Kent

Boost Your Body

How Do Vitamin Drips Work?

IV vitamin drips work by administering essential fluids, nutrients and fluids directly into the bloodstream through an IV drip. This method bypasses the digestive system and has an immediate effect, with 100% of the nutrients absorbed directly into the body. Vitamin drips are scientifically proven and have been shown to be a very effective way to give the body what it needs quickly and effectively.

  • Vitamin drips £200 (buy 5 and get the 6th free)
  • Booster shots £40

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Vitamin drips, anti wrinkle treatments, and lip fillers in Kent. Maidstone Aesthetics. Pomegranate vitamins.

How Do Vitamin Booster Shots Work?

Vitamin booster shots are similar to IV drips in that vital nutrients are administered directly into the bloodstream through an intramuscular injection. They bypass the gastrointestinal system and deliver vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream. Just like vitamin drips, vitamin booster shots are scientifically proven and are a very effective way to give the body essential nutrients very quickly. To learn more about vitamin drips, vitamin booster shots or lip fillers in Kent, please get in touch for a friendly chat.

What Are Vitamin Injections and Vitamin Booster Shots For?

Our clients use vitamin drips and vitamin booster shots for a number of different reasons. Some clients use vitamin drips to help support the weight loss process and burn fat. Other clients report that drips and shots can help with depression and anxiety. If you would like to assist the anti-ageing process, some clients report that vitamin drips and vitamin booster shots can improve wrinkles and enhance the skin. For those that want to fight the flu, vitamin drips are a great way to boost the body's immune system.

The Benefits of Vitamin Drips and Vitamin Booster Shots

Many clients feel the effects of vitamin injections and vitamin booster shots immediately, and will continue to feel the effects for hours after treatment. Many of our clients perceive a real difference in their bodies and say that they can feel the benefits of vitamin drips for many months. If you are looking for vitamin drips, vitamin booster shots or lip fillers in Kent, please get in touch for more information.

How Long Is Treatment?

Vitamin drip treatments normally take up to an hour. Intramuscular vitamin booster shots are even quicker and take just a few minutes. All of our treatments are provided by a qualified and registered professional in a safe space, and we provide total after care if any issues arise.

Vitamin drips, vitamin shots, and lip fillers in Kent. Maidstone Aesthetics. Blueberry vitamins.

Vitamin drips, vitamin booster shots, and lip fillers in Kent. Maidstone Aesthetics. Citrus vitamins.

Our Vitamin Booster Shots

  • IM Shot Gluthathione "increase energy levels"
  • IM Shot B-12 "boost energy and metabolism"
  • IM Shot Fat Burner "speed up metabolism and burn fat

Our Vitamin Drips

  • IV Modified Myers Plus "optimum wellness"
  • IV Performance Booster Plus "performance and energy boosting"
  • IV Fat Burner Plus "fat burning and detoxification"
  • IV Immuno Booster "boost immune systems"
  • IV Hair Nourishment "hair nourishment and shine"
  • IV Health Boost Plus "maintain optimum health"
  • IV Energiser "the ideal pick-me-up"
  • IV Advanced Energiser "get your energy flowing"
  • IV Glutathione "increase energy levels"
  • IV Vitamin C "the ultimate detox infusion"
  • IV NADH "a serious boost of energy"

If you would like more information about vitamin drips, vitamin booster shots or lip fillers in Kent, get in touch to arrange your consultation at Maidstone Aesthetics.


Where Can I Get Vitamin C Injections Near Me

Source: https://www.maidstoneaesthetics.co.uk/info2.cfm?info_id=232019